Sunday, September 28, 2008

Frog on the Cross - More Mutual Respect less Freedom (to Cause Offence)

The pope is offended at artwork depicting a frog being crucified. This was reported, but with relatively little comment as far as I know.

Why then when a bearded religious (Muslim) leader is offended at something similar - i.e. cartoons of Islam's Prophet Mohamed (S.A.W.) - does the world revolt with condemnation of the already offended preacher?

It’s difficult to compare what is "justifiably" offensive or sensitive - any depiction of the Prophet Mohammed, offends most Muslims, but most depictions of Jesus are fine by Christian standards. We all ought to have enough respect for one another, that if offence is taken, we accept that, and change - whether it is that the Holocaust never took place, frogs on the cross, or cartoons of the Prophet - there ought to be a little more respect, all-round.

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