Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Kumail's 11+ exams almost over!

Some lovely news this morning: Kumail has passed another 11+ exam - this one was taken yesterday at the historic St Albans School, and he has been invited back for an interview.

It's very pleasing to see the lad's hard work, and preparation pay off: So far he has passed exams 3 of the five exams for six schools he has applied for:

St Albans School

Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood

Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School

Queen Elizabeth’s School

Watford Grammar School for Boys

Parmiter's School

Some interviews are also complete - two more this week. Kumail deserves a treat and a good break - but I don’t think I can stretch to the 20,000 pound car that one classmate's father has offered his boy if he does well in his applications!

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