Friday, June 22, 2007

Networking, Socialising & Assets

This week I started using a '2.0' site for "networking", called LinkedIn.

I am ever so impressed that we are finally using computers & the web for something as productive as trying to keep people in touch .I think if this kind of tool/site carries on growing in popularity it could become effective in helping firms recruit better, and better value their People, and their Teams.

One of the most destructive things to an organisation is miss-hires: typically, we do not to much traditional reference checking when staff are hired – this tool allows people to have recommendations – it may help in reducing miss-hires, and all that comes with it.

LinkedIn facilitates the registration of some websites in you profile - so I recalled, and referenced this site, and it has encouraged me to start posting to it again.

It was interesting to see how many people I've worked with are already LinkedIn "users" - I reached out to over 100 that I wanted to get/keep in contact with - many have responded, and Its quite interesting to catch-up on what they have been doing. Apparently, it counts as “socialising” for IT-types!

One Telecom start-up, Uma, actually has teams of people mapping out org-charts of companies, and they are targeting staff across many industries to hire, simply, the best talent in the world.

I hope that ultimately 'networking 2.0' helps ensure that those that deserver it - those that are effective in their work, are well/better rewarded – perhaps that the ‘social’ part of LinkedIn :-) .

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