Monday, September 28, 2009

The last 12 months in summary!

Originally uploaded by Munawar Jaffer
Playful Indian Children - India Nov 2008

I must apologise for having fallen off the blogging habit.

It’s been a busy year or so!

Jul '08 - Karachi trip for a family Wedding & to see my Grandfather
Oct '08 - Conference in Pune
Nov ‘08 - Tour of Gujarat & Cutch
Dec ' 08 - prep & training for a new business
Jan ‘09 - Launch of Expense Reduction Analysts
April '09 - Syria & Turkey Trip
May-Sep 09’ - Overseas visitors & Masuma's Final exams
14th Sep '09 - Grandfather passes away

Where does the time go - I'm glad the summer is over - it ain't been pretty.

In an effort to play a little catch-up I thought I’d post a shot of two playful children in Cutch, India - this is where my father was born - a very very poor part of the world which I had immense pleasure in visiting last November.

There girls were not begging, as one might think - they were just happy, and playful, wanting to see their photos. Sitting near the mosque in Mundra, if I recall correctly.

Note the "muck" draining from the building behind into the street.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Laughing Cavalier

Originally uploaded by Munawar Jaffer
Saami enjoying himeself after diner in Sharm el Sheik. Sugar high no doubt!

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